
We offer a wide variety of regular events, including trainings for anyone who wants to improve their skills with accessible technology tools, and regular social events!

If you would prefer to see these listed in a Google calendar format, please click here, or scroll to the bottom of this page.


Weekly Programming

  • When: Mondays, 7-9PM CT

    Where:on Zoom

    Description: This is a free weekly Q&A help session for anyone with an iOS device accessibility questions or issues. The first 45 minutes are dedicated to the novice user, and app or iOS features may be demonstrated by advanced members.

    First Mondays: Maria Kristic, Sandhya Rao
    Second Mondays: Brad Snyder, Sandhya Rao
    Third Mondays: Greg Rhodes, Sandhya Rao
    Fourth Mondays: Pete Lane, Sandhya Rao
    Backup Facilitators: Desi Noller, Michael McCulloch

    For additional information, contact: Sandhya Rao

    To listen to past iBUG Buzz sessions: visit our archive!

  • When: Wednesdays, 1:30PM CT

    Tuesdays, 5:30PM CT
    Wednesdays, 5:30AM CT

    Where: Sight Into Sound (

    Description: A radio show version of our iBUG Buzz training: listen in on Sight Into Sound radio. You may listen to the program hosted by Jim Bratten using the special digital receivers from Sight into Sound, iBlink app on your iDevice or via the internet by going to the Sight into Sound website at the following link and selecting the "Tune in Now" link at the appropriate time or the "Podcast" link for on demand listening.

    Host: Jim Bratten

    For additional information, visit: Sight Into Sound (

  • When: Fridays, 7:15 PM CT

    Where: on Zoom

    Description: iBUG Night at the Virtual Movies plays movies from all genres: dramas, romantic comedies, thrillers, mysteries, film noir, etc. We have a pre-movie social time at 7:15 PM Central Time to play song games, share jokes and plenty of argle-bargle. Then at 8:00 PM, we play the audio-described movie (audio track only, no video). After the movie, we share comments, critiques and trivia of the movie. Everyone is welcome, and we would love for you to join us anytime.

    To learn about this week’s feature, click here.


Monthly Programming

  • When: First and Third Tuesdays, 5-6PM CT

    Where:on Zoom

    Description: Mac Buzz is a free Q&A help session for anyone with MacOS and Mac hardware accessibility questions or issues. Mac Buzz is facilitated by advanced iBUG member, Herbie Allen.

    Facilitators: Herbie Allen

    For additional information, contact: Herbie Allen

  • When: First and Third Thursdays, 8PM CT

    Where: on Zoom

    Description: Since many iBUGgers are also Trekkies or Trekkie wanna-be's, we have created a discussion group to watch audio described episodes (when available) of Star Trek and then meet together via conference call to discuss the episodes.  We review the episodes on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month, 8:00 PM (CT).  The iBUG Trekkie Talk discussion group is facilitated by Kenny Norton and Jody Ianuzzi.  Everyone (even if they are not a member of iBUG) is welcome to participate.

    We are currently watching episodes of Star Trek - The Next Generation. We pre-watch and then meet to discuss 2 episodes per discussion session.

    Other episode series of Star Trek are available from several sources including Netflix, Amazon Prime movies, Hulu+, Youtube and Paramount+.  Scripts of all Star Trek TV series and movies may be found at:

    Facilitators: Kenny Norton and Jody Ianuzzi

    To join the Trekkie Talk mailing list, contact: Sandhya Rao

  • When: First Saturdays, 8-10PM CT

    Where: on Zoom

    Description: iBUG Unplugged is a casual setting to discuss miscellaneous topics of a non-technological nature, such as games, trivia, songs, predictions, moral dilemmas and more.  

    Facilitator: Michael McCulloch

    For additional information, contact: Michael McCulloch

  • When: Second Sundays, 4-5:30PM CT

    Where: on Zoom

    Description: The iBUG Cafe is a deep dive training on a chosen third-party app, or genre of apps, for participants to gain a hands-on, working understanding of how best to utilize the chosen app.

    Facilitators: Sree RoySree Roy

    For additional information, contact: Sree Roy

    To listen to past iBUG Cafe sessions: visit our archive!

  • When: Second and Fourth Tuesdays, 5-6PM CT

    Where:on Zoom

    Description: This free Q&A help session is for anyone with iOS and iDevice (iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV) accessibility questions or issues.

    Facilitators: Michael McCulloch and Sandhya Rao

    For additional information, contact: Sandhya Rao

  • Please join us for the next meeting of the VILA Book Club, sponsored by iBUG Today.

    When:  Thursdays, 6:30 to 8:00 PM Central Time

    Where: on Zoom

    Facilitator:  Gail Greenberg

    To learn about our current book, click here.

  • When: Third Wednesdays, 7-8:30PM CT

    Where: on Zoom

    Description: Do you have questions about the Android operating system and its devices? If you do, or if you want to learn how an Android device can be used by the blind and visually impaired, join us for this free training session.

    Hosted by advanced iBUG members Ava Carruth and Harshid Trivedi, this training is open to anyone who desires to become more proficient at using the accessibility features of Android devices and Google’s operating system, which can be used on many different devices.

    Facilitators: Ava Carruth, Harshid Trivedi

    For additional information, contact: Ava Carruth

    Additional information: There is also an Android Insight email discussion group where you may ask questions and get help. If you would like to continue the conversation between monthly Android Insight sessions, please join the discussion group by sending a blank email to

    To listen to past Android Insight sessions: visit our archive!

  • When: Fourth Sundays, 2-4PM CT

    Where: on Zoom

    Description: The iBUG Apple Workshop explores all things from the Apple ecosystem. Join us for this free training to learn more about the accessibility features of iOS products.

    Facilitators: Michael McCulloch, Sandhya Rao

    For additional information, contact: Michael McCulloch

    To listen to past Apple Workshops: visit our archive!

  • When: Fourth Tuesdays, 7-8:30PM CT

    Where: on Zoom

    Description: Are you thinking about getting a Mac? Are you wondering if you will be able to learn the accessibility features of the Mac operating system on your own? Do you have issues with, or questions about, using your Mac?

    If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you should join us for this free, iBUG Mac-N-Talk training, where you will learn the accessibility features of Mac software and hardware.

    Facilitators: Chanelle Allen

    For additional information, contact: Chanelle Allen

    Additional Information: There is also a Mac-N-Talk email discussion group where you may ask questions and get help. If you would like to continue the conversation between monthly Mac-N-Talk sessions, please join the discussion group by sending a blank email to

    To listen to past Mac-N-Talk sessions: visit our archive!

  • When: Fourth Thursdays, 7-9 PM CT

    Where: on Zoom

    Description: Conversations on independent living and life skills issues, adaptations, and tips for the blind.

    Facilitator: George Battiste


Seasonal Programming

  • Description: This twelve-week, introductory training course is intended for new Mac users. Students will learn the basic layout of Mac computers, how to use VoiceOver and Siri, how to adjust accessibility settings, and more.

    Session 1: Getting Started with the Mac Part 1: VoiceOver Basics and Mac Layout
    Session 2: Getting Started with the Mac Part 2: Accessibility Settings and Siri
    Session 3: Wrap-up and Review of VoiceOver Basics
    Session 4: Mac-N-Talk
    Session 5: Finder
    Session 6: Safari Part 1
    Session 7: Safari Part 2
    Session 8: Mac-N-Talk
    Session 9: TextEdit
    Session 10: Mail Part 1
    Session 11: Mail Part 2 and Review
    Session 12: Mac-N-Talk

    Course Requirements:
    1. Participate in all classes and review sessions with no more than one absence.
    2. Complete homework assignments, which include reading, Mac practice, and providing oral answers to some of the focus questions from each lesson.
    3. Attend the monthly iBUG Mac-N-Talk conference call. Three are included in this course.
    4. Must be able to follow classroom instruction consisting of lecture and live demonstrations.
    5. All course sessions are conducted in a group format; one-on-one training will not be provided.
    6. Basic knowledge of Windows, iOS, and/or other operating systems may be useful as a reference point but is not required.
    7. The course will be most beneficial for students who have Macs newer than 2013 that support MacOS Big Sur.
    8. All sessions will be conducted via Zoom remote conferencing, a free application available for both computer and phone that may be found at and in the iOS, Android, and Windows app stores.
    9. Lecture recordings will be made available to review class material between sessions. The recorded sessions may also be posted to the iBUG Today website and social media for use by interested individuals who are not otherwise able to take the course. Please do not sign up if you are uncomfortable being recorded.
    10. During the class, you will be part of an email list for the receiving of announcements and discussion of course material.
    Note: violation of any of the above requirements may result in removal from the course.

    Facilitators: Chanelle Allen

    For additional information, contact: Chanelle Allen

    To enroll: If you are interested in enrolling in the course and meet the above requirements, please contact Chanelle Allen. Also, please provide the model number and/or year of your Mac to ensure compatibility.


Google Calendar

Click on the plus sign on the bottom right of this calendar to add these events to your Google calendar!