Social Events

We offer a wide variety of regular events: featured here are our regular social events!

If you would prefer to see these listed in a Google calendar format, please click here, or scroll to the bottom of this page.


Weekly Programming

  • When: Fridays, 7:15 PM CT

    Where: on Zoom

    Description: iBUG Night at the Virtual Movies plays movies from all genres: dramas, romantic comedies, thrillers, mysteries, film noir, etc. We have a pre-movie social time at 7:15 PM Central Time to play song games, share jokes and plenty of argle-bargle. Then at 8:00 PM, we play the audio-described movie (audio track only, no video). After the movie, we share comments, critiques and trivia of the movie. Everyone is welcome, and we would love for you to join us anytime.

    To learn about this week’s feature, click here.


Monthly Programming

  • When: First and Third Thursdays, 8PM CT

    Where: on Zoom

    Description: Since many iBUGgers are also Trekkies or Trekkie wanna-be's, we have created a discussion group to watch audio described episodes (when available) of Star Trek and then meet together via conference call to discuss the episodes.  We review the episodes on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month, 8:00 PM (CT).  The iBUG Trekkie Talk discussion group is facilitated by Kenny Norton and Jody Ianuzzi.  Everyone (even if they are not a member of iBUG) is welcome to participate.

    We are currently watching episodes of Star Trek - The Next Generation. We pre-watch and then meet to discuss 2 episodes per discussion session.

    Other episode series of Star Trek are available from several sources including Netflix, Amazon Prime movies, Hulu+, Youtube and Paramount+.  Scripts of all Star Trek TV series and movies may be found at:

    Facilitators: Kenny Norton and Jody Ianuzzi

    To join the Trekkie Talk mailing list, contact: Sandhya Rao

  • When: First Saturdays, 8-10PM CT

    Where: on Zoom

    Description: You are invited to join us for another episode of iBUG Unplugged to discuss miscellaneous topics of a non-technological nature, such as games, trivia, songs, predictions, moral dilemmas and more. This month’s iBUG Unplugged conversation will be facilitated by Michael McCulloch.

    Facilitators: Michael McCulloch

    For additional information, contact: Michael McCulloch

  • Please join us for the next meeting of the VILA Book Club, sponsored by iBUG Today.

    When:  Thursdays, 6:30 to 8:00 PM Central Time

    Where: on Zoom

    To learn about our current book, click here.

  • When: Fourth Thursdays, 7-9 PM CT

    Where: on Zoom

    Description: Conversations on independent living and life skills issues, adaptations, and tips for the blind.

    Facilitators: George Battiste

Facilitator: Pete Lane


The first iBUG’s Got Talent Showcase. The talent showcase will feature 24 iBUG members with outstanding musical performances, comedy routines, poetry readings and more! 


Google Calendar

Click on the plus sign on the bottom right of this calendar to add these events to your Google calendar!