2014 Michael McCulloch 2014 Michael McCulloch

The iBUG Guy appears on the Accessible World Tek Talk Program

On Monday, December 1, 2014, the iBUG Guy, Michael McCulloch, appeared on the Accessible World Tek Talk program along with about a dozen other technology based groups.  Dean Martineau who produces the Flying Blind, LLC Top Tech Tidbits newletter, moderated the program discussion as  each group spokesperson described the resources and services they provide.

Listen to a recording of the Tek Talk program here.  Note the iBUG Guy comes on at about 43 minutes into the program. 

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2014 Michael McCulloch 2014 Michael McCulloch

Walking on Air

One of The iBUG Guy's favorite composites of video shot by Space Station astronauts.  Even after all these years, he finds it hard to believe that he had the priviilege of helping develop and build this fantastic "flying" machine.  Please enjoy "Walking on Air

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